Forage wild local herbs & support the four phases of your menstrual cycle - together with Menstrual Cycle Coach Naam & Forager Saskia from Outsiders

🩸Your Menstrual Cycle has four inner seasons, just like in nature: Winter (Menstrual phase), Spring (Follicular Phase), Summer (Ovulatory Phase), Autumn (Luteal Phase)

You feel different in each phase, from your emotions, capabilities and needs. It’s natural & beautiful, yet maybe you - like most women & womb holders - were not taught how to support & hold yourself throughout it.

- you feel overwhelmed by your hormonal changes, or have Period Pain, irregular cycles or PMS
- you crave understand your cycle & live more in tune with your inner seasons
- you are curious how herbs can support your cycle in a holistic & natural way
- you prefer wild medicine from locally foraged & free herbs over expensive supplements

Then Herbal Cycle Care is for you! ✨
🌱 In this Herbal Foraging Workshop, we share wisdom about the Menstrual Cycle, Hormones and how to support your Inner Seasons with 10 different herbs

Menstrual Cycle Basics: The Four Phases
What your body tells you with Period Pain & PMS
10 powerful Herbs and what’s best for every cycle phase
How to collect herbs when you live in the city
Different ways to use medicinal herbs

Course plan

📺 Workshop: Zoom Link here